[ Online ] 28/03/2024
UCB arranges meeting in Kushtia to find solutions to freelancers' problems
United Commercial Bank PLC (UCB) organised a freelancer summit in Kushtia to find solutions to the problems now the freelancers have been facing in their professional works.

The event, titled: UCB Swadhin Freelancer Summit, was held at the Shilpakala Academy in Kushtia.

UCB's Additional Managing Director and Company Secretary ATM Tahmiduzzaman and Dr. Tanjiba Rahman, Chairman of Bangladesh Freelancer Development Society (BFDS), addressed the event.

More than 220 freelancers from the area took part in the meeting. They shared the problems faced by them while bringing home their hard-earned money. They also gave some ideas to resolve their problems.

UCB introduced Swadhin account, designing it as a complete banking solution for freelancers to ease the process of receiving remittance seamless and hassle-free.

Under the account the freelancers can easily receive their earnings through UCB Swadhin account in foreign currency and then convert it into local currency without any hassle.